Struggling to define what you have made for yourself
They worry about the potentially embarrassing repercussions.
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They worry about the potentially embarrassing repercussions.
I went into “protection mode” – to protect myself from any further hurt or pain.
I learnt not to talk, not to trust and not to feel.
The pain at hearing my dad had died was immeasurable, my world stopped but the world continued to turn.
I have accepted that this is the way it is and I have to make the most of the family relationships that I do have.
I have had to and continue to learn how to find new ways of being.
To the outside world my family appeared perfect.
You’d walk home wondering what mess she was in, and what you would have to do to keep the peace.
The most surprising thing to me is just how many people think and feel exactly as I do and how it is all so closely linked to being a COA.
She kicked off at my friends and had to be physically restrained.
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