Trying to usher my friends out as quickly as possible as they giggled at my drunken parents
The pain at hearing my dad had died was immeasurable, my world stopped but the world continued to turn.
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The pain at hearing my dad had died was immeasurable, my world stopped but the world continued to turn.
All I feel now is sadness at what my dad went through, I truly believe no one chooses to become an alcoholic, it can just happen.
I will never drink myself stupid.
To the outside world my family appeared perfect.
My mum kicked my dad out; my dad weren’t having none of it so he smashed my mum’s window and then started calling my mum names.
Even now when he is in hospital at least once a month from blacking out. Even now we know that his liver is beyond repair.
When the bell rung at 3pm, most of my friends couldn’t wait to get out of school. For me, I dreaded that sound.
When I look back I seem to have spent a lot of my childhood cleaning, the only way I could make myself calm in the chaos.
I can’t do anything for my mother – she doesn’t want me, she wants brandy.
Why do I go back to her out of fear of what she is doing to herself?
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