Hi to whoever reads this, I’m just feeling low lately and looking for additional support. I’ve tried to find things locally to me before to no avail. I’m based in a little town in Derbyshire.…
Hi to whoever reads this, I’m just feeling low lately and looking for additional support. I’ve tried to find things locally to me before to no avail. I’m based in a little town in Derbyshire.…
Hi, How do you all cope with the denial from your alcoholic parent and family? I end up feeling like I’m the problem for speaking up and not tolerating it. In my case it’s my…
I’m currently 35 weeks pregnant with my first child. My mother has been an alcoholic since before I was born and has been on and off with recovery all my life. I’ve been hoping for…
Hi I’m am 10 years old my mum is a Alcoholic she has kicked me out of her house several times She hit me because of her alcohol issues she puts alcohol over me and…
My dad is 58 and he as a drinking problem. Around January he had a very bad episode he has had drinks along the way which has lead to this. He can drink a whole…
Okay so I’m a 19 year old turning 20 and this isn’t really about an issue I have with my alcoholic parent but more of the aftermath of my relationship with them. Me and my…
Hi all I am really struggling to cope with my Dad’s alcoholism and feel at my wits end. I don’t know where to turn anymore because it feels like nothing will help/change him. I will…
Hi, I found out today that my father passed away. He has been an alcoholic for as long as I have known him and I could see this death coming from the last time I…
Hello I am struggling with which path to support my children 11 and 8, their father an alcoholic who does not live with us. My son has recently become quite militant that no one should…
When you lost the hope to fight, your body beaten down and barely holding on just know we were there. You might not have heard but I held your hand in mine and that was…
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