How recovery from alcoholism saved my family and me – Lauren Amy White
This story I would say is a story of hope. One that I want to share to show to people.
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This story I would say is a story of hope. One that I want to share to show to people.
I am the adult child of an alcoholic who I lost to her addiction in 2006.
As much as I tried to protect my son with every fibre of my being, I couldn’t fully protect him.
Addiction doesn’t just affect the addict. Addiction is a family illness.
For as far back as I can remember, I had a lingering feeling something was terribly wrong.
My Mum was an alcoholic. It’s taken a lot to say that.
We lived in it together, and I felt that no one else would ever understand.
Before I even knew what alcoholism was, I understood it was the cause of conflict in our house.
I was in the selfish bubble of: “I need to drink. I need to drink.”
I spent days thinking that if I did not exist, it would make her better.
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