The Family Secret
If you lie enough you convince yourself that the lie is true, the lie becomes your new distorted reality.
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If you lie enough you convince yourself that the lie is true, the lie becomes your new distorted reality.
I wouldn’t let my partner, friend, or colleague lie and treat me the way my mum did.
Getting to a place where I can look back on my childhood experience without blaming or shaming
No-one spoke about it, and we had to keep it a secret. It was like a shame on the family.
I wanted to share how the term “Merry Christmas” can feel, as the kid of an alcoholic.
Homely warmth gave way to hollow absence.
Christmas has always been a difficult time of year in my family. Tensions were high.
My head works in overdrive to put together pieces of a missing puzzle.
Let me ask you this: Do you think a heroin addict can be a good parent?
Addiction – in my life. It has caused me so much friction. It is unacceptable and unfair.
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