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Broken promises and failed hopes drift out the windows. We are broken.
They worry about the potentially embarrassing repercussions.
Just because you’ve had an alcoholic parent, doesn’t mean you’re destined to go down that path.
The ‘after-effects’ of growing up with an alcoholic parent are many
As a young girl I remember the fear of coming in from school.
I went into “protection mode” – to protect myself from any further hurt or pain.
I learnt not to talk, not to trust and not to feel.
I loved my mum so much, but I was frustrated as I couldn’t understand why, if she loved me, she wouldn’t just stop drinking.
The pain at hearing my dad had died was immeasurable, my world stopped but the world continued to turn.
All I feel now is sadness at what my dad went through, I truly believe no one chooses to become an alcoholic, it can just happen.
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