I am 60 years of age and was born with an alcoholic mother.
Our home wasn’t a happy one, there wasn’t any cuddles, and kisses, any praises, just yelling and shouting and being hit across the head many, many times and being called an ‘egypt’.
I wasn’t allowed any friends in the house nor did I have any birthday parties or go to any parties.
I still suffer to this day, I suffer from the shame, I suffer thinking it’s something I have done, it will not go away, the feeling that I was and am worthless, will stay with me for the rest of my life.
God help the children with alcoholic parents. Their lives, like mine, will suffer and I do not think people can understand what I have been through or what they will eventually go through, because at the time, no one is there to help, only that child crying constantly is aware of that.