Racing Alone
Training alone. Racing alone
Telling the children they are not alone
But that’s how they feel wrapped in shame
A secret held with alcohol to blame
Independence can appear on the outside
These children have no choice but to be resilient
Often smiles on faces to not rock the boat
Home life is a hard time for more than most
Running the path, the voice saying you can’t do any more
Remembering what you are doing it for
Raising the pounds to support a forgotten cause
The one the government shut all the doors
Blown away that so many support and care
So conscious of the stigma that’s always been there
Taking a deep breath and mentally breaking it down
Keep going, feet pounding to the ground
The feeling of alone flipped on its side
Focusing on that finish line
Take in the beauty all around
Life can be good when support is found
The child that wonders why that parent does not care
When something else always comes first seems so unfair
We can take Nacoa’s 6 C’s and help them remember:
I didn’t cause it
I can’t control it
I can’t cure it
I can take care of myself
I can communicate my feelings
I can make healthy choices
We hope to spread this vital message
Helping to give COAs a future of hope
For each child to know it’s not personal to them
Seeking support from this charity to cope
Reach out and talk
Remember you are not alone
That feeling doesn’t have to be a burden locked in a home
And as I ran the track in the pouring rain
Mud squelching in my running trainers again
A girl runs past and shouts “what a great charity!”
So, I up my pace for the 1 in 5, I have a duty
So many come forward and tell of their own experience
Opening the communication to make sure we hear them
Coming over the finish line with such relief
My heart feels overwhelmed for the donations received
That that message that you are not alone
Means more children will pick up the phone
Reach out, talk, and learn Nacoa’s 6 C’s
Your future is bright when you know what to believe
Lydia began running to raise money for Nacoa and offer hope to the 1 in 5 children affected by their parent’s drinking. Show your support and sponsor Lydia today.
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