I never knew how bad my dad loved alcohol until now. I looked at him in shock as they took the bottle from underneath his jacket. I had my bag checked, they felt my body downwards. After all that, he couldn’t be a man and stand up for himself. He made me cry and wonder why? After that I wasn’t allowed to see him for a long time.
I can remember at just after Christmas my dad had had too many to drink. He came round being really bossy and argumentative with my mum. He grabbed my arm and threatened to take me with him. My mum grabbed my other arm and said I wasn’t going anywhere. I believed my mum she always did the right thing unlike my dad. My mum kicked my dad out; my dad weren’t having none of it so he smashed my mum’s window and then started calling my mum names. My mum rang the police – I couldn’t hold my tears in any longer.
Lately my dad’s been on new tablets to stop him from drinking. I went round a month ago and he was doing fine but my sister found the cats playing with tin foil from under the chair, it was all burnt. We’re not allowed to see him. He’s made my life a misery. I can’t be forced to go through anything like it again.