To my dad
The life and soul of the party,
The funniest man in most rooms,
Charming and fun with a drink in your hand,
Your demon, your monster, your saboteur.
It consumed you,
It controlled you,
It hurt you, it changed you,
And it hurt the ones you loved the most.
Your demon, your monster, your saboteur.
The times you let me down,
I never blamed you,
The times you broke my heart,
I never blamed you,
I watched it destroy you,
Your demon your monster your saboteur.
You lived with your mistakes,
You played them on repeat,
You lost everyone and everything to
Your demon, your monster, your saboteur.
The fight was too much,
You could not pull through,
It took you away from me,
Your demon, your monster your saboteur.
I sit here today,
Shining bright like a star,
I will not be held back by,
Your demon, your monster, your saboteur.