To the child who loves Christmas

You are still important and thought of in this festive season.

To the child who loves Christmas

To the child who is reading this. 

Hi, I am the older version of you. The child who loves Christmas and the laughter, togetherness, and feelings of normal that comes with it.

Grown ups having a drink with Christmas dinner and raising a glass to the speech on TV. You see it doesn’t seem so bad when others are around. Food helps to soak it up and when others are there, things don’t feel like they would normally.

Please know that you are not alone

Try to enjoy your time at Christmas. Hopefully, it will be a day where the stress is off your shoulders for a bit. Where you can be you.

Do things that make you smile. Enjoy the company of others if they are there. 

You are still important and thought of in this festive season. You bring joy to someone who you may not even realise you do. Your smile may feel like Christmas every time they see it. 

Keep being strong. Believe that there are people who feel how you feel but believe things will get better. 

Things get better.

I am an adult now, and I have been where you are. Things get better.

Things make more sense. You do get stronger. Alcohol does not have power over you.

There are people who can help, people who will listen to you. You are not alone. ❤️

T x

To read more experience stories, go to Support & Advice.


To the child who loves Christmas

You are still important and thought of in this festive season.

To the child who loves Christmas

You are still important and thought of in this festive season.

To the child who loves Christmas

To the child who is reading this. 

Hi, I am the older version of you. The child who loves Christmas and the laughter, togetherness, and feelings of normal that comes with it.

Grown ups having a drink with Christmas dinner and raising a glass to the speech on TV. You see it doesn’t seem so bad when others are around. Food helps to soak it up and when others are there, things don’t feel like they would normally.

Please know that you are not alone

Try to enjoy your time at Christmas. Hopefully, it will be a day where the stress is off your shoulders for a bit. Where you can be you.

Do things that make you smile. Enjoy the company of others if they are there. 

You are still important and thought of in this festive season. You bring joy to someone who you may not even realise you do. Your smile may feel like Christmas every time they see it. 

Keep being strong. Believe that there are people who feel how you feel but believe things will get better. 

Things get better.

I am an adult now, and I have been where you are. Things get better.

Things make more sense. You do get stronger. Alcohol does not have power over you.

There are people who can help, people who will listen to you. You are not alone. ❤️

T x

To read more experience stories, go to Support & Advice.

You are not alone

Remember the Six "C"s

I didn’t cause it
I can’t control it
I can’t cure it
I can take care of myself
I can communicate my feelings
I can make healthy choices

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