Nacoa release ‘COVID_19 Online Resource Pack’
These are unprecedented times, as the coronavirus spreads and our vital public services are forced to close, leaving families to fend for themselves. The Nacoa helpline will be operating throughout the Covid crisis.
1 in 5 children and young people in the UK are affected by their parent’s drinking. Problem parental drinking can have a profound effect on young people’s mental and physical health. Children of alcohol-dependent parents are approximately six times more likely to experience abuse and violence in the home.
That is why we have created an ‘Online Resource Pack’ for those concerned for someone affected by their parent’s drinking during COVID social distancing.
The pack includes:
Letter from Nacoa – Please read and use this document to contact your local school, place of work, or local service, to raise their consciousness of children of alcohol-dependents during this time.
Nacoa opening hours poster – Share on social media!
‘Isolation: Be Kind’ motion text video – Share on social media!
‘How to Help, Social Distancing for Children of Alcohol-Dependent Parents’ – Provides key concerns, ways to help, and ideas of ways to help yourself.
‘Online Resources for alcohol addiction recovery during the coronavirus’ – A very helpful up-to-date guide on accessible services from the Alcohol Harm Alliance (AHA).
‘Information for Teachers’ booklet
‘Information for Professionals’ booklet
‘Some mums and dads drink too much’ leaflet
‘Jasper’s Wish’ – Discreet storybook for young people affected by their parent’s drinking.
Please share with everyone you can. It is more important now than ever to let these children know that they are not forgotten, now that many local schools and services have had to close their doors.