Become a member of Nacoa UK.
You can provide a lifeline for children affected by a parent’s drinking in the UK. Become a member of Nacoa. We couldn’t be here for 30,000 helpline requests per year without the incredible support of our members. 💙
Help them know you are not alone.
Membership costs just £26 per annum or £3 a month.
You get
-A Nacoa t-shirt
– Regular members’ socials with themed talks and a chance to share and find out more
– A voice in Nacoa – you will be entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting and to become a Trustee
– Invitations to events: including the annual David Stafford Memorial Lecture at the House of Commons and our annual Awards Evenings
– Regular newsletters and updates
– Discounts on books of relevance
– A seat and a say in our Annual General Meeting
If you are a UK tax payer and you agree, we can claim a further 25p from HMRC for every £1 donated. If you are a higher rate tax payer, you can claim tax relief in your self-assessment tax return.