Bottles, secrets and me.
10 green bottles…
Finally, I walk to school.
9 green bottles…
Tatty uniform and my shoes are too small.
8 green bottles…
Daydreaming withdrawn as I wonder what awaits as I walk through the door.
7 green bottles…
Maybe Maddie’s aced her test and saved the day once more.
6 green bottles…
Or maybe the bottles ran out and I’ll need to camouflage into the floor.
5 green bottles…
I walk home alone my friends don’t understand why they can’t come to play inside.
4 green bottles…
Inside my secrets are kept to keep me safe, no one knows the lies behind Mums smiling face.
3 green bottles…
I love my Mum but I know she struggles sometimes. Most nights we won’t get stories or nursery rhymes.
2 green bottles…
I heard of Nacoa, they told us there’s 1 in 5 children like me, my classmate or my cousin could be just like me.
1 green bottle…
I dial the helpline, how will the words come out. There’s a washing machine in my stomach I usually have to scream and shout.
Now I know Nacoa are there if I need to talk. They have listened to me, valued me and will give me support.
This poem was published for #AddictionAwarenessWeek. To find out more, go to Taking Action on Addiction.