Megan Ace – #LunchtimeLives

‘You can be angry, and that’s okay.’

Megan Ace – #LunchtimeLives

Today we talked to Megan Ace. She talks about what it was like growing up with her father, who had an issue with alcohol. And how writing her story down and sharing helped her to relate with people who have shared experiences.

#LunchtimeLives is our interview programme recorded live on social media with prominent ambassadors for children affected by their parent’s drinking.

Become a member of Nacoa, and you will be notified every time we plan to go live with special guest.

Why not check out our other Lunchtime Lives on our Youtube page and subscribe to the page to hear about future episodes.


Megan Ace – #LunchtimeLives

'You can be angry, and that's okay.'

Megan Ace – #LunchtimeLives

'You can be angry, and that's okay.'

Megan Ace – #LunchtimeLives

Today we talked to Megan Ace. She talks about what it was like growing up with her father, who had an issue with alcohol. And how writing her story down and sharing helped her to relate with people who have shared experiences.

#LunchtimeLives is our interview programme recorded live on social media with prominent ambassadors for children affected by their parent’s drinking.

Become a member of Nacoa, and you will be notified every time we plan to go live with special guest.

Why not check out our other Lunchtime Lives on our Youtube page and subscribe to the page to hear about future episodes.

You are not alone

Remember the Six "C"s

I didn’t cause it
I can’t control it
I can’t cure it
I can take care of myself
I can communicate my feelings
I can make healthy choices

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