My mum and dad split up because my dad was drinking. It started when mum started to find beer bottles and wine hidden all around the house.
I was only six years old when they split up. Mum me and my brother left home and moved down the road a bit. We still kept in touch with him though.
As I was getting older he became worse, I remember one time we had to lock ourselves in mums bedroom because he was drunk and angry and my mum thought he was going to take us away. We called my granny, and she came and calmed him down.
He also has been going out with other girls, but about 2 months later they find out about his drinking and dump him. And another time I had one of my friends at his house, and he forced us to wash all his dirty dishes.
He still isn’t getting better, he has made an attempt to stop drinking, but it hasn’t worked. He has now moved in with a girl into her house and she has a 7 year old boy, plus she doesn’t know, so it won’t last long.
But the thing that keeps me strong is help lines and I realise I am not alone.