Alcohol Awareness Week

‘The cost of alcohol’ is this year’s theme.

Alcohol Awareness Week

It is Alcohol Awareness Week – 1 – 7 July. This is the time of the year where we get to speak properly about alcohol.

Alcohol Change are the brains behind the week. Find out more about their Alcohol Awareness Week activities here.

What is Nacoa doing for Alcohol Awareness Week?

Nacoa will be speaking throughout the week for children and adults affected by their parent’s drinking. It is fantastic to see so many charities now talking about the affect of problem drinking on the family, but there is still a long way to go.

It is vital to raise consciousness of people affected by a parent’s drinking. Especially those children who are experiencing this hidden harm today—those for whom Nacoa’s confidential helpline is a vital resource.

Lunchtime Lives with Aaron Willis

We’re kicking off Alcohol Awareness Week with a #LunchtimeLives featuring the wonderful Aaron Willis.

He’ll be joined by Nacoa star ambassador Josh Connolly o explore how being a COA has affected Aaron throughout his life.

His is a story of huge business success, culminating in eye-catching recent performances on BBC Apprentice. But it is also a story of overcoming obstacles like parental alcoholism and racism that created huge barriers in early life.

Stories throughout the week on social media

The theme for this year’s Alcohol Awareness Week is ‘the cost of alcohol’. Alcohol duty and other important policies will be discussed by charities. Though it is vital not not forget the ‘cost’ of alcohol problems on children.

Too often it costs immediate things like no food, school trips or uniform. It also costs children their future as alcohol begins to eclipse their own needs in order to take care of their parents.

We will be sharing personal stories on Instagram and other social media platforms. We will also be sharing statistics from the helpline that show how bad things are getting for children of dependent parents.

Alcohol Awareness Week blogs:

The cost of alcohol on me’ – Amy.
Alcohol prioritised our needs‘ – by SJ.
The price alcohol made me pay‘ – by Sarah.

Members Social+

Members Social+ is a signature online event dedicated to our much valued Nacoa members. Time to hear from special speakers, and share a space to connect with Nacoa’s work.

For this special Alcohol Awareness Week social, a bumper line-up of special speakers will include:

  • Josh Connolly, Nacoa ambassador
  • Aaron Willis, new Nacoa ambassador, businessman, and BBC ‘The Apprentice’ candidate
  • David Holmes, creator of Ashes to Blooms, a tribute to his brother
  • Julie Hughes, leader of a project to translate Nacoa material into Welsh
  • Kate Worswick, corporate Nacoa champion and speaker

RSVP your place by tapping here.

You can make a difference!

Provide a lifeline for children affected by a parent’s drinking. Become a member of Nacoa. We couldn’t be here for 30,000 helpline requests per year without the incredible support of our members, donors and sponsored events.

Membership costs just £26 per annum or £3 a month.

You get

– A Nacoa t-shirt

– Regular members’ socials with themed talks and a chance to share and find out more

– A voice in Nacoa – you will be entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting and to become a Trustee

– Invitations to events: including the annual David Stafford Memorial Lecture at the House of Commons and our annual Awards Evenings

– Regular newsletters and updates

– A seat and a say in our Annual General Meeting

If you are a UK tax payer and you agree, we can claim a further 25p from HMRC for every £1 donated. If you are a higher rate tax payer, you can claim tax relief in your self-assessment tax return.

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Alcohol Awareness Week

'The cost of alcohol' is this year's theme.

Alcohol Awareness Week

'The cost of alcohol' is this year's theme.

Alcohol Awareness Week

It is Alcohol Awareness Week – 1 – 7 July. This is the time of the year where we get to speak properly about alcohol.

Alcohol Change are the brains behind the week. Find out more about their Alcohol Awareness Week activities here.

What is Nacoa doing for Alcohol Awareness Week?

Nacoa will be speaking throughout the week for children and adults affected by their parent’s drinking. It is fantastic to see so many charities now talking about the affect of problem drinking on the family, but there is still a long way to go.

It is vital to raise consciousness of people affected by a parent’s drinking. Especially those children who are experiencing this hidden harm today—those for whom Nacoa’s confidential helpline is a vital resource.

Lunchtime Lives with Aaron Willis

We’re kicking off Alcohol Awareness Week with a #LunchtimeLives featuring the wonderful Aaron Willis.

He’ll be joined by Nacoa star ambassador Josh Connolly o explore how being a COA has affected Aaron throughout his life.

His is a story of huge business success, culminating in eye-catching recent performances on BBC Apprentice. But it is also a story of overcoming obstacles like parental alcoholism and racism that created huge barriers in early life.

Stories throughout the week on social media

The theme for this year’s Alcohol Awareness Week is ‘the cost of alcohol’. Alcohol duty and other important policies will be discussed by charities. Though it is vital not not forget the ‘cost’ of alcohol problems on children.

Too often it costs immediate things like no food, school trips or uniform. It also costs children their future as alcohol begins to eclipse their own needs in order to take care of their parents.

We will be sharing personal stories on Instagram and other social media platforms. We will also be sharing statistics from the helpline that show how bad things are getting for children of dependent parents.

Alcohol Awareness Week blogs:

The cost of alcohol on me’ – Amy.
Alcohol prioritised our needs‘ – by SJ.
The price alcohol made me pay‘ – by Sarah.

Members Social+

Members Social+ is a signature online event dedicated to our much valued Nacoa members. Time to hear from special speakers, and share a space to connect with Nacoa’s work.

For this special Alcohol Awareness Week social, a bumper line-up of special speakers will include:

  • Josh Connolly, Nacoa ambassador
  • Aaron Willis, new Nacoa ambassador, businessman, and BBC ‘The Apprentice’ candidate
  • David Holmes, creator of Ashes to Blooms, a tribute to his brother
  • Julie Hughes, leader of a project to translate Nacoa material into Welsh
  • Kate Worswick, corporate Nacoa champion and speaker

RSVP your place by tapping here.

You can make a difference!

Provide a lifeline for children affected by a parent’s drinking. Become a member of Nacoa. We couldn’t be here for 30,000 helpline requests per year without the incredible support of our members, donors and sponsored events.

Membership costs just £26 per annum or £3 a month.

You get

– A Nacoa t-shirt

– Regular members’ socials with themed talks and a chance to share and find out more

– A voice in Nacoa – you will be entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting and to become a Trustee

– Invitations to events: including the annual David Stafford Memorial Lecture at the House of Commons and our annual Awards Evenings

– Regular newsletters and updates

– A seat and a say in our Annual General Meeting

If you are a UK tax payer and you agree, we can claim a further 25p from HMRC for every £1 donated. If you are a higher rate tax payer, you can claim tax relief in your self-assessment tax return.

You are not alone

Remember the Six "C"s

I didn’t cause it
I can’t control it
I can’t cure it
I can take care of myself
I can communicate my feelings
I can make healthy choices

Resources you may like

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