Since lockdown began, Nacoa has been hosting ‘Live’ events on the Nacoa Facebook channel. Featuring conversations with prominent advocates for children affected by their parent’s drinking.
In this series of Lunchtime Lives, we’ll be meeting with people who have changed the lives of children of alcohol-dependents through their own advocacy and heroism. And in this episode we met Camilla Tominey.
Camilla Tominey is a COA campaigner and associate editor at The Telegraph. As a journalist at the Sunday Express and now The Telegraph, she has put pressure on the government to listen to the demands of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Children of Alcoholics.
She has often achieved that by speaking out about her own story. See the timeline of her work with Nacoa, used in this video, by clicking here: https://spark.adobe.com/page/jkYVKU4rvlGjF/.