Chanita Stephenson announced as ambassador of Nacoa
We are proud to announce Chanita Stephenson as an official ambassador of Nacoa UK. She is a hugely welcome new addition to our community and network supporting children affected by a parent’s drinking.
You will know Chanita from her recent appearances on TV, most recently Married at First Sight. She is also a social worker with lots of experience helping families. Since her TV career took off, she has become a prominent Nacoa supporter and champion for children affected.
Trustees highly value Chanita’s experience in front line services, as well as building a positive voice for change in the media. That makes her a perfect fit as an ambassador for our charity.
You can meet Chanita by coming to see her speak at the next Claritee Gala in Manchester on the evening of 7th September 2023. An alcohol-free corporate evening at the Lowry Hotel ‘with high energy entertainment acts, a premium three course meal and a celebrity panel of speakers’.
Chanita says of the appointment:
‘I am so excited and proud to announce that I have become an ambassador for Nacoa.
‘Nacoa provides significant support and advice to children who have grown up with an alcohol-dependant parent. I will admit I haven’t known about Nacoa for a great length of time. But this reiterated to me how important it is that people are made aware of not only how alcohol can impact lives but also what support is available such as Nacoa.
‘I am passionate about supporting this charity as it is very close to my heart. I understand the need for it due to my own personal experiences within my childhood and working with children and families as a social worker.
‘Growing up with an alcohol-dependent parent can be traumatic. It can leave you feeling lonely and isolated, not knowing what the next day will look like or who or where to turn to.
‘1 in 5 people are affected by their parents drinking which shows that 1 in 5 people are probably also feeling similar and in need of support.’

Lunchtime Lives with Chanita Stephenson
Join us for this ‘special announcement’ episode with Chanita Stephenson.
In our series of Lunchtime Lives hosted on Instragram, we meet with people who have changed the lives of children of alcohol-dependent parents through their advocacy and heroism. Chanita is our next guest and this one promises to be fantastic.
Join us on the @NacoaUK Instagram 1pm Thursday 27 July to watch live and join in with the Q&A.