More high demand Nacoa places released! London Landmarks Half Marathon 2021

Places available for the LLHM, 1st August 2021.

More high demand Nacoa places released! London Landmarks Half Marathon 2021

Sunday 1st August 2021 – London, UK

Fancy celebrating lockdown easing with a challenge? We have the perfect thing for you.

After the unprecedented interest for our first callout, Nacoa has taken more places for the London Landmarks Half Marathon.

The race is taking place on 1st August 2021. To apply for a place, email us at or fill out a contact form.

The London Landmarks Half Marathon is a closed road, central London run and is the only half marathon to go through both the City of London and City of Westminster.

The event is not your average half marathon! From cultural landmarks and heritage to the city’s quirky and hidden secrets, runner get to explore the capital on a route like no other!

The race starts on Pall Mall, finishes by Downing Street and has fabulous views of London’s most iconic landmarks including Big Ben, St Paul’s Cathedral, Nelson’s Column, the Gherkin, the Shard, the Tower of London and the London Eye.

All safety provisions will be put in place to deliver the race in a socially distanced format.

In order to take one of the places, you will need to commit to:

  • Running in the 2021 race
  • Be over 17 years of age
  • Complete the race in 4 hours or under
  • Pay the LLM £135 entry charge (payable to Nacoa)
  • Aim to raise at least £400 for Nacoa in sponsorship

If you have any questions at all, please get in touch with us at We can’t wait to start your journey with you! And of course send you out one of the famous Nacoa t-shirts to run in.

More info about the London Landmarks Half Marathon, click here.

Happy running!

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More high demand Nacoa places released! London Landmarks Half Marathon 2021

Places available for the LLHM, 1st August 2021.

More high demand Nacoa places released! London Landmarks Half Marathon 2021

Places available for the LLHM, 1st August 2021.

More high demand Nacoa places released! London Landmarks Half Marathon 2021

Sunday 1st August 2021 – London, UK

Fancy celebrating lockdown easing with a challenge? We have the perfect thing for you.

After the unprecedented interest for our first callout, Nacoa has taken more places for the London Landmarks Half Marathon.

The race is taking place on 1st August 2021. To apply for a place, email us at or fill out a contact form.

The London Landmarks Half Marathon is a closed road, central London run and is the only half marathon to go through both the City of London and City of Westminster.

The event is not your average half marathon! From cultural landmarks and heritage to the city’s quirky and hidden secrets, runner get to explore the capital on a route like no other!

The race starts on Pall Mall, finishes by Downing Street and has fabulous views of London’s most iconic landmarks including Big Ben, St Paul’s Cathedral, Nelson’s Column, the Gherkin, the Shard, the Tower of London and the London Eye.

All safety provisions will be put in place to deliver the race in a socially distanced format.

In order to take one of the places, you will need to commit to:

  • Running in the 2021 race
  • Be over 17 years of age
  • Complete the race in 4 hours or under
  • Pay the LLM £135 entry charge (payable to Nacoa)
  • Aim to raise at least £400 for Nacoa in sponsorship

If you have any questions at all, please get in touch with us at We can’t wait to start your journey with you! And of course send you out one of the famous Nacoa t-shirts to run in.

More info about the London Landmarks Half Marathon, click here.

Happy running!

You are not alone

Remember the Six "C"s

I didn’t cause it
I can’t control it
I can’t cure it
I can take care of myself
I can communicate my feelings
I can make healthy choices

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