Researching parental alcohol misuse at university – Kirsty Kerr

To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse.

Kirsty’s Research

In May this year, I completed a BA Hons degree in Early Childhood Professional Studies. As part of the third year programme, I was required to carry out a literature review on a topic of personal preference. It had to have an obvious link to children and their development and my final piece was entitled, ‘The link between parental alcoholism and mental ill health and its impact on the prenatal, postnatal and adolescent development of the child.’

As an adult child of an alcoholic and one which has suffered from mental health adversities as a result, I always knew I wanted my final piece of work to be based around this. It is frequently reported that alcoholism is often connected to and accompanied by poor mental health. I am very passionate about raising awareness and removing stigma surrounding mental health and I feel particularly strongly about this with regards to children.

Growing up with an alcoholic mother was chaotic, unpredictable and brought many challenges, many of which have followed me into adulthood. When I wrote this piece of work I hoped it would bring awareness to the reality of what childhood can be like for a child in such contexts. What I also hoped this would do for anybody who is living or has lived through suchlike experiences, is show that we are worthy, we are capable and there are people who understand and who care.

My review was produced using secondary research and was broken down into chapters which looked at the prenatal, early years and adolescent development of the child, as well as an insight into the support currently available for children and their families alike. My findings certainly solidified what I already thought was the case. Although the lack of awareness and support for children of alcoholics, is something which will continue to surprise me until something significantly changes.

The findings showed a clear interconnection between mental ill health and alcohol misuse and the fact that this can both directly and indirectly affect a child’s holistic development. Damage caused to an unborn child through maternal alcohol abuse during pregnancy, was found to be the most obvious.

However, it was reassuring to find a wider breadth of knowledge surrounding the indirect ways children can be affected. The living environments experienced by children with alcohol dependant and/or mentally ill parents, can become very dysfunctional. Family confrontation and neglectful behaviours were found to be more prominent in these households and as a result, this was found to put a child’s future development at significant risk.

Transition into adolescence was also found to be more problematic for children of parents with such issues and my findings highlighted how this can result in them experiencing depressive symptoms during this time. What was also disturbing, is that fact that there is an increased risk of them becoming alcoholics themselves as a result of learnt behaviour and poor mental health – a cycle which we must break!

What I found with regards to support available to children and their families, is that despite governmental implementation of policy and the ongoing work of local and national charities, it is still not as adequate as it needs to be. Stigma plays a huge part in every stage, from a child feeling able to share their needs, to society and professionals being accepting of them. While we have come a long way with decreasing stigmatisation around mental health and coexisting issues, it is still not suffice.

Further consideration needs to be given to children of alcoholics and mental health in general, particularly amongst young people. It is essential we equip children with the ability and confidence to seek support as early as possible. It is therefore crucial that we endeavour to provide services in response to this for both the child and their family.

My Email:
Instagram: kirstykerr16
Twitter: @Kirstykerr16
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Researching parental alcohol misuse at university – Kirsty Kerr

To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibl...

Researching parental alcohol misuse at university – Kirsty Kerr

To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibl...

  • About Nacoa

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • About Nacoa

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Hello!

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Nacoa branding - style guide

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Contact us Person looking at Nacoa's website for people affected by a parent's drinking to show different ways to contact for support or to get involved with the charity to help other children of alcoholics

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Governance

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • History

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Nacoa Helpline

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Calling the helpline

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Helpline FAQs

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Managing browser history

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Monitoring & evaluation

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Policies & procedures

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Our people

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Abie Dunlop

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Amanda Brett

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Amy Dickson

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Carolyn Jones

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Ceri Walker

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Dr Piers Henriques

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Euan Graham Euan Graham

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Hilary Henriques MBE

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Jamie Brett

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Jane Elson

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Josh Connolly

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Katy Stafford

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Laurence McAllister Alleyne

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Liam Tullberg Liam Tullberg Nacoa

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Lindsay Doherty

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Maya Parker MA

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Peter Irwin

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Tod Harrison

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Patrons & ambassadors

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • The Nacoa Promise

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Experiences Search Result

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Get involved

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Donate or become a member

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • About Gift Aid

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Become a corporate member

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Become a member

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Welcome new member

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Donate in memory

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Gift in your will

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Give in celebration

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Make a donation

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Thank you!

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • More ways to give

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Fundraising

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Thank you for signing up to Big Nacoa Walk 2024! Big Nacoa Walk thumbnail

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Raise awareness

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Sponsored events

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Volunteering

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Nacoa Volunteer Application Form

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Nacoa: School Nomination Form

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Message boards

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Log In

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Message board rules of conduct

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Start a new topic

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Nacoa: Helping everyone affected by their parent's drinking Nacoa UK Helping everyone affected by their parent's drinking

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • News & events

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Events

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Features

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Latest

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • News

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Privacy and cookies policy

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Research & resources

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Books, videos and media

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Nacoa professionals training

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Nacoa publications

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Research

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Widening Access

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Some Punjabi and Sikh parents drink too much…

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Support & advice

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Adults

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Books, videos and media

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • FAQs

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Help and advice

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Information

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Personal experiences

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Children

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Books, videos and media

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • FAQs

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Help and advice

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Information

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Personal experiences

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Concerned others & professionals

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Books, videos and media

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • FAQs

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Help and advice

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Information

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Personal experiences

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Young people

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Books, videos and media

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • FAQs

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Help and advice

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Information

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Personal experiences

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

  • Topics

    To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse. Kirsty’s Research In May this year, I

To raise the profile of children affected by parental alcohol problems, it is incredibly important to promote research at universities in this still under-represented area. In the below piece, Kirsty Kerr describes why she has focused her university studies to reveal the realities of mental ill health and parental alcohol misuse.

Kirsty’s Research

In May this year, I completed a BA Hons degree in Early Childhood Professional Studies. As part of the third year programme, I was required to carry out a literature review on a topic of personal preference. It had to have an obvious link to children and their development and my final piece was entitled, ‘The link between parental alcoholism and mental ill health and its impact on the prenatal, postnatal and adolescent development of the child.’

As an adult child of an alcoholic and one which has suffered from mental health adversities as a result, I always knew I wanted my final piece of work to be based around this. It is frequently reported that alcoholism is often connected to and accompanied by poor mental health. I am very passionate about raising awareness and removing stigma surrounding mental health and I feel particularly strongly about this with regards to children.

Growing up with an alcoholic mother was chaotic, unpredictable and brought many challenges, many of which have followed me into adulthood. When I wrote this piece of work I hoped it would bring awareness to the reality of what childhood can be like for a child in such contexts. What I also hoped this would do for anybody who is living or has lived through suchlike experiences, is show that we are worthy, we are capable and there are people who understand and who care.

My review was produced using secondary research and was broken down into chapters which looked at the prenatal, early years and adolescent development of the child, as well as an insight into the support currently available for children and their families alike. My findings certainly solidified what I already thought was the case. Although the lack of awareness and support for children of alcoholics, is something which will continue to surprise me until something significantly changes.

The findings showed a clear interconnection between mental ill health and alcohol misuse and the fact that this can both directly and indirectly affect a child’s holistic development. Damage caused to an unborn child through maternal alcohol abuse during pregnancy, was found to be the most obvious.

However, it was reassuring to find a wider breadth of knowledge surrounding the indirect ways children can be affected. The living environments experienced by children with alcohol dependant and/or mentally ill parents, can become very dysfunctional. Family confrontation and neglectful behaviours were found to be more prominent in these households and as a result, this was found to put a child’s future development at significant risk.

Transition into adolescence was also found to be more problematic for children of parents with such issues and my findings highlighted how this can result in them experiencing depressive symptoms during this time. What was also disturbing, is that fact that there is an increased risk of them becoming alcoholics themselves as a result of learnt behaviour and poor mental health – a cycle which we must break!

What I found with regards to support available to children and their families, is that despite governmental implementation of policy and the ongoing work of local and national charities, it is still not as adequate as it needs to be. Stigma plays a huge part in every stage, from a child feeling able to share their needs, to society and professionals being accepting of them. While we have come a long way with decreasing stigmatisation around mental health and coexisting issues, it is still not suffice.

Further consideration needs to be given to children of alcoholics and mental health in general, particularly amongst young people. It is essential we equip children with the ability and confidence to seek support as early as possible. It is therefore crucial that we endeavour to provide services in response to this for both the child and their family.

My Email:
Instagram: kirstykerr16
Twitter: @Kirstykerr16
And I have just started a blog which is:

You are not alone

Remember the Six "C"s

I didn’t cause it
I can’t control it
I can’t cure it
I can take care of myself
I can communicate my feelings
I can make healthy choices

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