Running the Lincoln 10k for Nacoa | By Anna πŸ’™

I could never have imagined running a 10k!

Running the Lincoln 10k for Nacoa 1

I was so pleased to be able to complete the Lincoln 10k today to raise money for Nacoa.

At just over 8 months sober, it felt amazing to do something positive for myself and Summer and to help raise funds for such an important charity. 

Through our @mysobermum Instagram account, Summer and I have tried to inspire other parents to rethink their drinking and turn things around before it’s too late.

Running the Lincoln 10k for Nacoa 2

I could never have imagined running a 10k

By taking part in this race I have hopefully helped to raise awareness of Nacoa and also show how I’ve managed to turn my own life around from being the unhappy, unhealthy problem drinker that I was, to the happy, healthy sober person that I am now, living life to the full. I could never have imagined running a 10k when I was drinking heavily.

It shows that anything is possible if you are determined enough to change things, both for your children and for yourself! 😊

Anna Butler

Sponsored events

Do a sponsored event for Nacoa and help us continue to provide a lifeline for children affected by parental alcohol problems.

This important work is funded entirely by voluntary donations. We simply would not be here for the children who need us if it were not for our supporters and volunteers. Together we can make a difference.

We are always looking for people to take part in sponsored events from skydiving to marathon running, baking cakes to a sponsored silence. This can be done as individuals or in groups across the UK. We are always astounded by the efforts people go to when fundraising for us.

People collect sponsorship for all sorts of challenges: from a sponsored walk, run, cycle, swim or horse ride to shaving your head, having a bath in baked beans, losing weight or giving up something you love such as alcohol, chocolate or TV. Perhaps you even have a hairy chest that could use a wax? The only limit is your imagination!

Contact us to find out more.

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Running the Lincoln 10k for Nacoa | By Anna πŸ’™

I could never have imagined running a 10k!

Running the Lincoln 10k for Nacoa | By Anna πŸ’™

I could never have imagined running a 10k!

Running the Lincoln 10k for Nacoa 1

I was so pleased to be able to complete the Lincoln 10k today to raise money for Nacoa.

At just over 8 months sober, it felt amazing to do something positive for myself and Summer and to help raise funds for such an important charity. 

Through our @mysobermum Instagram account, Summer and I have tried to inspire other parents to rethink their drinking and turn things around before it’s too late.

Running the Lincoln 10k for Nacoa 2

I could never have imagined running a 10k

By taking part in this race I have hopefully helped to raise awareness of Nacoa and also show how I’ve managed to turn my own life around from being the unhappy, unhealthy problem drinker that I was, to the happy, healthy sober person that I am now, living life to the full. I could never have imagined running a 10k when I was drinking heavily.

It shows that anything is possible if you are determined enough to change things, both for your children and for yourself! 😊

Anna Butler

Sponsored events

Do a sponsored event for Nacoa and help us continue to provide a lifeline for children affected by parental alcohol problems.

This important work is funded entirely by voluntary donations. We simply would not be here for the children who need us if it were not for our supporters and volunteers. Together we can make a difference.

We are always looking for people to take part in sponsored events from skydiving to marathon running, baking cakes to a sponsored silence. This can be done as individuals or in groups across the UK. We are always astounded by the efforts people go to when fundraising for us.

People collect sponsorship for all sorts of challenges: from a sponsored walk, run, cycle, swim or horse ride to shaving your head, having a bath in baked beans, losing weight or giving up something you love such as alcohol, chocolate or TV. Perhaps you even have a hairy chest that could use a wax? The only limit is your imagination!

Contact us to find out more.

You are not alone

Remember the Six "C"s

I didn’t cause it
I can’t control it
I can’t cure it
I can take care of myself
I can communicate my feelings
I can make healthy choices

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