This World for COAs – A live international panel of champions for children affected by parental addiction
4pm GMT, Wednesday 17th February, Facebook Live
Nacoa is proud to present the very first ‘This World for COAs’ event. Camilla Tominey, Associate Editor of The Telegraph, will lead a live panel event packed with expert champions for children affected by parental addiction from all over the world.
Since the Spring of 2020, the lives of many children affected by parental addiction have been turned upside down. With closed schools and social centres, many are isolated at home with no support services or chances of escape.
But there are people and organisations around the world who are breaking that silence, and helping those children to find support and know that they are not on their own.
Although distance divides our panelists and their clients, we share a universal bond of having worked with these adverse childhood experiences.
But what specific worries do we have for children of alcoholics, and children of addiction, in our individual communities? How has Covid made things worse? How can positive change be made? What can we learn from each other?
To answer these questions, we are honoured to invite you to a Facebook Live event with leading international champions for children affected by parental addiction.
Join us. Join in.
Special guests include:
Mr Jerry Moe: National Director of the Hazelden Betty Ford Children’s Program (USA)
Dr Sheila Gilheany: CEO Alcohol Action, Ireland
Ms Hilary Henriques MBE: Co-Founder and Chief Executive of Nacoa UK
Ms Sonja Gerič Bevec: Founder and CEO of NACOA Slovenija
Ms Corinna Oswald: Psychologist and Nacoa Deutschland board member
Dr Virupaksha Devaramane: Consultant psychiatrist at Dr. A.V. Baliga Memorial Hospital – Co-ordinator of COA Week, India
Dr PV Bhandary: Psychiatrist, Udupi, India
Mr Henning Mielke: Founder of Nacoa Germany in 2004. Henning has recently gone on to develop Cevur, a training service for professionals who want to o learn more about children from families with addiction problems.
You can watch and join in with ‘These COA Words’ by going to the @NacoaUK Facebook page at 4pm GMT. It is recommended to view on Facebook, so you can comment and engage with the authors. But, alternatively, you can also just head direct to this page where the event will be streamed live.